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Field Interviewing Jobs: Could You Be a Field Interviewer?

Field Interviewer

Field interviewing jobs can put you on the path toward a lucrative career. If you enjoy being social, talking with others, and gathering information, this profession could be the right fit. 


A field interviewer researches different businesses and organizations. This process might include surveys, direct observation, and group meetings. You might get asked to meet with a certain number of people daily to ask specific questions about a topic, such as a new product or service. Many research companies will provide you with everything you need to conduct the surveys where you will go, and they will give you the training required to be a field interviewer for their company.

Many field interviewers collect data that market researchers use. Some are called on to develop a research plan or prepare questions, but most positions are tasked with interviewing only.

 Skills Needed to Be a Field Interviewer

The most critical skill a field interviewer has in their toolbox is the ability to be impartial and follow set standards. When you gather data for an employer, the results must be a direct reflection of the information obtained from each person.

Skewing the data in one direction or the other, even unintentionally, could create significant future problems. You must be 100% impartial during the entire process.

Field interviewers must handle rejection professionally. Most people don’t want their day interrupted by a survey, even if it is only a few questions long. Being friendly during these circumstances isn’t always easy, especially if the targeted individual becomes disrespectful.

It is often required of field interviewers to ask questions verbatim. Paraphrasing can lead to different answers, which would skew the information. Some employers may want recordings of responses to ensure the accuracy of the collected data.

When field interviewers have some control over the questions or structure of information collection, the standards may be more lenient. But this is not the case all the time. 

What Is It Like to Be a Field Interviewer?

 With COVID-19 changing the way companies do business, some field interviewers are becoming more like telemarketers. Agencies hire them to conduct phone surveys to collect the data needed to make future decisions.

You can still find the traditional field research positions available if you prefer in-person interactions. Wearing a mask is typically required for this job, and you may need to follow disinfecting protocols with specific survey methods. Research companies will specify on their websites if they are hiring during Covid-19 for in-person interviews. 

Most field interviewers say that the best part of their job is the chance to meet a variety of people. You’ll hear lots of stories during interviews, and that information can let you see life in different ways.

Your home office may have more concerns about your performance metrics. When your focus is on collecting the best data possible, you’ll typically have a positive experience as a field interviewer.

Some employers may offer the freedom of choosing your own hours, including evenings and weekends. That structure is helpful for those who juggle multiple schedules with everyone in the family at home because of COVID-19. Most of the time, field interviewing takes place during the evenings and weekends, and companies will ask you if your schedule is flexible; some will require you to work when respondents are available.


It can be challenging to work as a field interviewer. It may also be the most rewarding job you ever have! The research you obtain for your employer helps them make better decisions, and it can help you see the world from a different perspective. That’s a win-win situation!

Learn more about Field Interviewing here Wikipedia.

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